
Articles in Academic Journals

Journal of Anglican Studies Editorials

Articles in Other Journals and on line


Edited Books

Sections in Books


Speeches and Interviews

Submissions and Reports

Edited Books

'Wonderful and Confessedly Strange'.  Australian Essays in Anglican Ecclesiology (Adelaide: Australian Theologlical Forum, 2006).

Anglicanism in Australia - a History (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1, 2002).

Richard Hooker Issue.  The Journal of Religious History, Vol 21,1 (Oxford: Blackwells, 1997).

Death in the City:  Ethical Issues in the Urban Environment (Sydney: New College Institute for Values Research, 1992).

Right and Wrong at Work.  Ethical Issues in Labour Relations in Australia (Sydney: New College Institute for Values Research, 1992).

With Nevile, J. Ed., Immigration- What Kind of Australia Do We Want? (Sydney: New College Institute for Values Research, 1989).

With Wenham, G. Ed., Law, Morality and the Bible (Leicester: IVP, 1978).

Obeying Christ in a Changing World (London: Collins, 1977).